This particular trip was not as extensive in travel as the other visits have been (about 75 miles compared to a whopping 1,050!) but it was extensive in information and hospitality and that's what made my visit to United Theological School a good and inviting trip.
Upon arrival at the UTS campus I noticed, not the landscaping (though it is beautiful) and not the building's structure (though it is classic and sound). No I noticed the giant pool.
I'm talking big, people.
The building that now houses the seminary used to be the Jewish community center and they got to keep the pool!
So this area that United has moved into has a deep religious history. Completely appropriate, I thought. This school has an extensive history that dates back to the 1800's where it all began. As time continues on, United moves with it, making strides to develop fully into it's role as a United Methodist Seminary.
My tour was given by a current Theological Studies student and his wife who is currently working on her M. Div. It was great to see the dynamics between two young adults who have a family, a career, and are furthering their education. I was in awe of them. Thanks, Blake & Casey!
More about the tour. The building is filled with various pieces of art and different displays. One in particular that I liked was the glass case of books written by different faculty members that teach right there on campus. It was filled to the brim!
Throughout the day I was able to meet four of those professors and it was clear as to why they were professors. That's pretty impressive if you ask me!
They spoke with passion for their ministry and their specialties and I am happy to say I am now the proud owner of Minding the Good Ground: A Theology for Church Renewal written by Professor Vickers and by Professor Hess, Artisanal Theology. And a special thanks to Professor Bellini and Professor Park who have great literary accomplishments of their own. Check them out!
I learned that United is one of the leading UM seminaries in its approach to online distance learning. I'm not 100% sure of the statistics (bad pun) but I know that a majority of UTS students study online. Through the online learning community, you can receive your Masters of Divinity or your Master of Arts in Christian Ministries. This program is helpful for those who are living and working in another part of the state or even another part of the country. Since the online courses are taught by professors of the same caliber as are on campus, it allows for students to receive the same quality of education that they would get if they were in the actual United building.
But if you are on campus, there is access to a beautiful library that has rows and rows of historical books to help work through those [grueling] papers. And a more than helpful librarian who is well acquainted with the books. While you're in there, don't forget to ask about the amazing plane model that spans the library's ceiling or about the gorgeous organ. Both have rich stories that someone will gladly tell you.

While talking with people from United throughout the day, one common theme came up repeatedly: Church Renewal.
I was able to discuss with professors, students and President Dr. Wendy Deichmann about what that means to them. Each response was a bit different than the others but I found that to mean that the concept of Church Renewal finds it's own voice to each person's ministry.
United is a place that invites both their students and their staff to explore and shape their own identity in their own spiritual journey and in their outward ministry. And whether that be aiding diminishing local churches or growing larger more vibrant churches, there is a calling to each and I believe United to be a great vessel of knowledge for the kind of growth that will aid the future of the United Methodist Church.
Like I have said, this wasn't my first encounter with UTS. But it was a visit I was happy to make again to be able to learn more in depth about the mission of the school and the people that will make that mission come to life.
United is a wonderful place :)
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