Seminary Tour 2012

Seminary Tour 2012
I'm back up and running from Columbus, Ohio! Click for some "fun facts" ;)

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Humble Pie

In my Intersections of Race & Ethnicity class, we've been talking about this concept of Conocimiento (a little Spanish for all of you out there.) It's this 7-step Mestizo concept of introspective, self learning that requires horrible things to happen, for you to be filled with despair beyond imagine, to question your reality and then to learn your ethical and compassionate strategies from those experiences...sounds like fun, right?
The last part maybe, but the first part sounds AWFUL.
Learning about this concept and then being served a pretty hefty serving of Humble Pie all in one week forced me into the first part.
Again, no fun!

I've been nothing short of grim lately.
I've been surly and cold and insensitive and just mean.
Blame it on stress, blame it on life happenings, but either way, it's been terrible and not okay.
I've never good at asking for help. Delegating is not my forté and I get lost in being too busy.
For me it's easy to forget that I'm only human and that I can't do it all by myself.

As painful as that blow from the humility stick was, it was needed.
I am not where I am because I'm just "so awesome" and know everything.
And I'm not here even just because of hard work and self-discipline.
I am here by the grace of my family even when I screw things up & make mistakes; by the grace of my mentor even when I don't heed her wisdom or advice; by the grace of my friends who are still there even when I just flat out suck; and most importantly by the grace of God, who wipes my slate clean, who walks with me and who loves me.

Every step in every journey is important and holds opportunity and hope to be better and to know Truth.
All of that said, Garret-Evangelical Theological Seminary in Chicago will be the next stop in my journey and I'm excited to see what lessons it has for me.

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