Seminary Tour 2012

Seminary Tour 2012
I'm back up and running from Columbus, Ohio! Click for some "fun facts" ;)

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Spilling the Beans

It is finally Spring Break for us Ohio State students!
Nothing earth shattering is going on for me this week, I'll mainly just be reorganizing my life and my house in preparation for the 57 days of school I'll have left before a graduate....but who's counting?...
Originally, the plan I had was to head out West to California to make the Claremont visit. I was looking forward to getting out of this Ohio cold and seeing my Aunt, Uncle and cousin who don't live too far from the school.
Unfortunately, it just wasn't in the cards for this time. Oh well! I'll get out there eventually, as well as to the others I have left.

I keep forgetting that this "deadline" for the completion of this tour is completely self-decided.
I'm the one who has been expecting to be finished by a specific date and there's no one that I have to answer to when accomplishing it. Which, the more I think about it, is pretty awesome.
I was talking with my mom the other day about how much frustration I've been feeling with myself for not being able to finish this tour in the projected time that I originally had in my head. As always, she shared with me a really great tip about setting goals that she has found to be useful in her own business.
Goal setting is all about writing it down.
Seriously, there are studies on this!
So she told me to write down 3 different dates:
1. The "Awesome" date of when I hope to have completed the tour-- February 2013
2. The "Great" date of when I hope to have completed the tour-- May 2013
3. The "Good" date of when I hope to have completed the tour-- September 2013
The idea behind this is that no matter which one you accomplish, you're still reaching a goal!
It's ALL in how you think about it.

Now, if you've ever been getting ready to graduate, you know the number one question that gets asked by anyone that you come in contact with:
What are your plans for after graduation????
Seriously, if I had a nickle...
Anyway, I've tried to avoid the question at all costs for the past couple of months and for a couple of different reasons.
First, because for a while I was really unsure of my decision. And not about whether or not it's right for me- because it 100% is- but because of this blog.
Second, because when you say something, name it out loud, it becomes real. And that's kind of really scary.

So it's time to spill the beans:
I will not be attending seminary come the Fall and I did not apply to any of the schools.
I will be taking time off to work, save up money, and really spend some intentional time thinking about what my call in life looks like.
Now, there is another reason for this gap in between schooling.
When I started the tour back in February of 2012, I thought that I had somewhere around two more years left of undergrad. That would have put me graduating in the Spring 2014, meaning I wouldn't start at seminary until the Fall of the same year.
I found out this past September (2012) that because of the amount of work I've accomplished (and the sheer grace of God), I was actually going to be graduating in Spring 2013! AKA very soon!
This was such an exciting piece of news, but it also meant that the timeline I had drawn up in my head was now completely subject to change.
The change of time meant that I would have had to start applications right then to get them done efficiently and effectively on time. Can y'all tell I'm a bit of a Type A?....
I had to prepare myself to uproot from my family, my friends, and my church home in a matter of 10 months, and it also meant that I would be applying and (hopefully) being accepted to a seminary before I was even finished visiting all 13 of the schools.
Now, I have always been a gut-instinct kind of person; when I know, I just know.
But I also know that even though my blog and my personal journey aren't anything that The Post will be writing about, it is important to me that the integrity of it remain in tact.
For that to happen, I felt as though I have had to remain neutral and unbiased, which meant visiting each and every school prior to applying to any of them.
I've prayed endlessly about what decision would be the right way to move forward and have heard in response that this is the next step.
You just never know where God will lead unless you're willing and open to explore everywhere He is.

That was a lot of information.
There are three more schools to visit: Claremont School of Theology, Boston School of Theology, and St. Paul School of Theology.
I can't guarantee when those will happen exactly, all I can promise is to let you know when I know.
In between those visits I'll be posting and keeping you all updated (and hopefully entertained and convincing enough to keep you reading) on various things...
i.e. commonly asked questions about this adventure, a little more information on myself, a guest blogger, oh, and the Asbury blog!! etc. etc. etc.
And if there's anything specific y'all want to know or hear about, comment on here and I'll work it out.

The support I receive is what keeps me going.
And I am beyond thankful and humbled by everyone I've met along the way.
I think the most important thing I've come to understand is that it doesn't necessarily matter how much time you take to get to where you're supposed to go as long as the only direction you're moving is forward.

Peace, blessings, and joyful days to all of you :)

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